Thursday, September 29, 2011

At the Center...

I love Jesus. Because of this, the Bible is the foundation that my life is built upon. Therefore I could not possibly talk about education, family, kids or other fun things without mentioning the One that created it all! The life manual (BIBLE) that He has given us has more insight into education than anything else out there you will find.                                                                                                                                      

A few days ago I wrote, The Power We Have, where I shared the Beautiful Cycle of motivating kids and the results it can have. What this cycle is built upon is not research, Marzano, great teachers or my insights – it is Jesus. Watch this. Research DOES tell us that effort increases ability. So does God’s word! Colossians 3:23-24 says Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart (EFFORT) as working for the Lord, not for man, since you know that you will receive an inheritance (REWARD) from the Lord as a reward.                                                                                                                                    

We also know from research that ‘Providing recognition for attainment of specific goals not only enhances achievement, but it stimulates motivation’. The Lord also talks about this

in His word: Proverbs 3:27 says 'Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in YOUR power to do so.' As adults we have power over kids. We are the ones that make everything happen for them, we are their advocates, we are the ones that can “make or break” their little spirits. We have the POWER to give them GOOD things – praise, encouragement, truth, education, a solid foundation – it is in OUR power to do this! When we do, it stimulates motivation and, well, you know the cycle by now I hope.         

At the center of the “cycle’ is Jesus and His word. He had this formula written long before any research study or educator discovered it. I LOVE that we have current studies to support His statements though. Fascinating to put them both together as they support each other so beautifully. Just more evidence about how brilliant and applicable God’s Word is to us today! 

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Power We Have!

I believe that what I am about to share is one of the most powerful insights into children and, if applied, can empower a child to greatness in every area of their life! Read this and it will change your life, or more importantly, your kids' life! Hold on, here we go. 

1) Effort Increases Ability
We know from Robert Marzano's book, Classroom Instruction that Works, that effort creates ability. We also know that students who are taught about this relationship between effort and ability can increase their achievement more than students who are taught techniques for time management and comprehension of new material. What am I talking about? Ok, basically when you teach a child that the amount of "effort" they put into something increase their ability (or I say "make your brains smarter") it increases their achievement (better grades, more retention of information, a smarter brain!) 

2) Positive Feedback/Praise Stimulates Motivation
We also know from countless research studies that providing recognition for attainment of specific goals not only enhances achievement, but stimulates motivation.

3) The Beautiful Cycle
Now put it all together! When you give a child positive feedback and praise for specific goals reached, it stimulates motivation, which increases their effort, which we know increases their ability! See that?!?!

        • Enhanced Effort = Enhanced Achievement
        • Enhanced Achievement = Attainment of a Goal 
        • Attainment of a Goal = Positive Feedback/Praise Given
        • Positive Feedback/Praise Given = Stimulates Motivation
        • Stimulated Motivation = Enhanced Effort
        • Enhanced Effort = Enhanced Achievement.......and so it goes!

We have the amazing POWER as educators, parents and mentors to PRAISE a child to greatness! And the best part is it really works! Not only do we have countless research studies and educators to tell us, but I have SEEN it work in the most "unmotivated" of children! Powerful! So lets get out there and praise our kids!