
            Saxon Wrap Ups: One of the BEST ways I have found to motivate kids to master their multiplication tables. Using a hands on method, repetition and competition against themselves I have never had a student not master their multiplication tables when using these consistently! For more details check out my blog on "Multiplication Mastery, Help is Here!" 
   Click here for Saxon Wrap Ups!

  Shurley English: BEST grammar program out there! Your 1st graders will be writing 2 point expository paragraphs and know every part of speech as well as how to label each word in a sentence. One of my teachers with over 10+ years teaching experience told me, "I had never really TAUGHT grammar until I used Shurley!". 
Click here for Shurley English

  Veritas History and Bible Program: For the Classical Christian educator who wants to give their kids a great foundation in History from a Biblical perspective-  this is the ticket! Using songs, chants, and activities to become acquainted with major time periods, themes and people that have changed our world, you won't regret using this!

One Minute Readers: The most AMAZING fluency builder out there. Kids that HATE reading willl LOVE it after using this program! The best part about it is that it immediately builds confidence so that kids are MOTIVATED to keep reading! Look for more tips on how to implement this incredible program. soon. 

o   Horizon Prep, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca
For those that desire a Classically based Christian education for their kids with the most dynamic teaching staff you have ever seen - look no further. With a tuition that is lower than most private schools in its surrounding area, this "Love Bubble" as it is often called has test scores averaging in the 97th percentile. Worth every penny!
o   Oaks Christian, Westlake, Ca
A middle school and high school that kids dream of. WIth an athletic program that compares with no other, amazing academics, and social opportunities that leave none wanting - this Christian school is phenomenal. Click here for Oaks Christian Webpage

o   Calvary Christian Academy;  San Jose, CA
This sweet school is in it's first year and doing amazing things! It is one of the only Classical Christian schools in San Jose, Ca. It is following the Horizon Prep model for education and  is off to a phenomenal start! 
Click here for CCA webpage


INDOCTRINATION Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America. Indoctrination

o   Shepherding a Child’s Heart: A book on training and discipline. Such a unique perspective that I wish all children had the opportunity to be raised this way!
o   Outliers: Thinking of starting your 4 or 5 year old early in Kindergarten? Wanting to push your child to be in all the advanced classes? Want them to get a "head start" and go to college early? FInd out what research says about having your little person be surrounded by others that are older than them! You WON"T regret reading this book - will stick with you forever! 
Click here for Outliers Book!

o   The Well Trained Mind: For my homeschool lovers out there, this is a must!  Click here for The Well Trained 
o   Created to be his Help Meet : If your a Christian, married and want to hold on to your man, this ones a must!  
Click here for Created to Be His Help Meet

*Lost Tools of Learning, by Dorothy Sayers: Simple, easy, timeless read on why Classical Education works!  Click here for the Essay!

 The 2 movies listed below give us two very different perspectives on education. Extremely powerful. Partnered together, they educate parents and empower them to take control of their child's education! 

* The Race to Nowhere:  Every parent must see this movie. Check the website for available showings. Gives an incredible perspective on the "RACE" that we enter our children in and the effects of it on them. An incredible movie that educates parents. You will walk away feeling empowered to take control over your child's education and not have someone else control it. Click here for the Movie Information!

Waiting for Superman: An excellent movie enlightening and educating parents about statistics on our Public school systems. I COMPLETELY support their theme: To get a good education a child must have GREAT teachers! Who can argue with that? 

Click here for Waiting for Superman

 Music for Kids

Jana Alyra!  

   Jana will get your kids to fall in LOVE with worship! With hand-motions to accompany every song, this is a HIT! Be sure to get the CD's as well as the DVD's. My 2 year old sings Bible verses all day long because of this!

o   Seeds of Praise 
o   Seeds of Worship
o   Seeds of Faith

 Amazing Sites
o A Classroom management Bible!
o My favorite resource site for homeschooling parents. 
Charities & Foundations
o   Gospel for Asia
o   Operation Christmas Child

o                                              Sweet Babies
          o   Sleep through the night at 8 weeks: Email me at if you want info on this. A dear friend of mine taught parenting classes on this and it REALLY works. The best part is - it works without having to make your newborn "Cry it Out". Love Love Love. Every friend that I know that has used it raves about it as well! 

          o   Travel Melodies Baby Einstein CD: Ok, so one of my favorite people told me about this CD. She has 3 kids and swore by it. Said when she put it on, it quieted even the most screaming baby she had. Well, it works. It's a miracle worker. I keep it in my car and have found that my husband and I have actually come to love listening as well! A must. 
Click here for Travel Melodies CD!

          o   Happiest Baby on the Block: 5 steps to quieting the crying newborn. Super simple, easy to understand, a quick read - and even a 1 hour video is available (First link) for you and your hubby to watch together! Mine loved it - he found it gave him the "tools" to help soothe our sweet baby without me. I have even overheard him telling others about it! Love.!!!!!
 Click here for Happiest Baby on the Block!

          o   Swaddlers: If you buy into the above approach - which I can't imagine you won't - these will make your life ten times easier - especially at 3am! 
Click here for Swaddlers!

Click here for Shurley English