Sunday, October 30, 2011

Some trust in cars....

Psalm 20:7 

Some trusts in chariots, and some in horses; 
But WE trust in the name of the 
Lord our God! 


My entire life I have had car troubles. I always envied those that drove nice, new cars without a care in the world. "What a life" I would think! It was made clear to me early on that that was not going to be the case for me! Reflecting on the "car days of my youth" It taught me a lot. It taught me that usually those most willing to help were those that were in the same (or worse) situation as me. It taught me to have open hands with each day as I never knew what was in store.  It taught me of the JOYS that come from helping others when it is in your power to do so. It taught me that the Lord was faithful as He always provided for me - even if it was not my ideal situation.

When I got married, my precious husband had an amazing car, my dream car to be honest. He decided that it would be best if I drove it for gas mileage and safety purposes and that he would drive mine. Quick to submit to my husband’s leadership, all was well! I thought my car troubles were over, my day had come! This was what I had been waiting for! 
Well about 4 MONTHS AGO my dream car gave us a scare while I was driving with Gracie on the freeway and we had to take it in to get "checked out". Had I known then as we were dropping it off that I would be saying goodbye to the vehicle for 4 MONTHS, I likely would of been devastated. But alas, I kept in good spirits each week. For a while that is.   

Todd and I shared a car over the last 4 months. Between carpools with my adoring mom, walking to Target (I live a mile away!) and Todd having a flexible work situation, we made it work. He, however, will likely tell you that some days my attitude was better than others! I did try to constantly remind myself that most in the world don't even have one car and that we were very blessed with what we DID have. Such a selfish America we live in these days! Shame on me. 

One morning I was doing a Bible study and came across the verse, Psalm 20:7. Not only did I come across it, but also the Bible study recommended that be my verse to memorize for the week. Ironic. 
I started to reflect on the verse and it hit me. At the time that this verse was written, the means of transportation was by horses and chariots.  It hit me over the head that some put their trust in "driving themselves", in planning out their day, getting behind the wheel (or horse) and heading out on the day that THEY have planned for themselves. There is no need to trust in the Lord, they have everything taken care of, they are set. 
BUT some don't have this luxury. Some are not able or simply CHOOSE not to trust in the road they have laid out and CHOOSE to trust in the Lord.  They CHOOSE to put their trust in where HE drives them, where HE leads them, where HE chooses is best. Oh the blessing that comes from trusting the Lord and knowing he is in control. "Plans to prosper, not to harm"... 
I realized that I would much rather put my life in the hands of the creator of the Universe than to scramble around trying to drive around and figure everything out on my own. I realized that trusting the LORD to take care of me and my family each day without access to a vehicle was a lot more peaceful than relying on myself because everything seemed to be going rather well and I could control my own day without a care in the world. Funny how trials reveal things to you isn't it?! 

It took me 4 months to learn this lesson because we got our car back yesterday. I would be lying if I said the smile has left my face, I am a giddy girl. BUT I am so thankful for this small trial as it taught me more than I have learned in a while. 

So Buckle Up! No matter which road you choose, you are going to need your seat belt!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Multiplication Mastery - Help is Here!


There is no way around it, kids HAVE to memorize their multiplication tables. You know it and they kind of know it. This time of having to master their multiplication tables tends to make or break students and can be one of the most frustrating experiences for them, and for YOU! I am going to share with you the secret I have found that I truly believe offers success for ALL STUDENTS! If it is implemented at school, GREAT, if not - then try it at home. I promise it will work. I can't think of one student I had that it didn't work with - yes, all my former students with their wide ranges of learning abilities.

The Secret: Repetition, Motivation, Repetition, Motivation, Repetition, Motivation!

Purchase: Buy the Saxon Multiplication Wrap Ups. Do it now. (Favorite things page) Make sure to get the yellow ones with the red strings. They are cheap too!

How to use:  
When you get the wrap ups, undo them so they are all individual. It will come looking like this: 


You will want them all separated so it will look like this individually: 


 Make sure each one has a red string tied to it. Read through the directions on how to use it. Basically, you match the product and factors. So if you are on your "5s" when you see a "7" you are going to wrap the string to the  "35" because 5 X 7 = 35. When you see a "4" you are going to match it to a "20" because 5 X 4 = 20 and so on. When you are done, turn the Wrap Up over and all the lines sketched into the wrap up should match up with the red string. Great assessment for them to see right away if they are correct.

Motivate: Show your child how to do it and let them practice with the ones....Pretty easy for them to start off with. They will likely be motivated to go faster and faster, if not, then motivate them! My favorite method is to have a timer there. Ready, Set, Go and start the timer. Their goal is to beat THEIR time. They will want to keep going and going...Once they have "beat" a reasonable time (which I have mine listed below) then they can add a wrap up...So if they have passed their "1s" then give them their "2s". Now they have to do BOTH wrap ups, one after the other, and try to beat their time until the reasonable time is met. Then add another and so on.. If your child is struggling, have a simple "cheat sheet" for them to look at while they are doing the wrap up. Have a timer available for them so they can practice on their own or let them know you are available to time them when they are ready. Eventually, because they have repeated it so often in their head AND been doing something kinesthetic, they won't need it anymore. (They can only "pass" a level when the cheat sheet has been removed but let them decide when they are ready for this next step). Here is the time chart that I use.

Wrap Up Time Chart
They “pass” when they have them all complete and correct in the given time.
I give them out in this order to spark some success quickly! (Easier ones first)

Wrap Up Time to Complete
1’s          30 Seconds
10’s           45 seconds
                 5’s             1 minute, 15 seconds 
                 2’s             1 minute 30 Seconds
 3’s              2 Minutes
                   7’s             2 Minutes 15 Seconds
                 4’s              2 minute 45 Seconds
                    9’s              3 minutes 15 Seconds
                 11’s           3 Minutes 30 Seconds
                   6’s             3 Minutes 45 Seconds
                 8’s             4 minute 15 Seconds
                 12’s            4 minute 45 Seconds 

So basically their goal is to complete ALL 12 WRAP UPS in 4 minutes and 45 seconds. You are going to want to help them with organization and having them all ready before they are "timed". All unwrapped with the strings ready to go will give them the best shot! :) 

Rewards:  Typically I found that simply getting another wrap up and moving up a "level" was reward enough. A sticker chart is great too for them to visibly see their progress. Can never hurt to give some type of treasure box award each time they move up a level and beat the recommended time.

Why it works: They are repeating the factors over and over again in their head and doing something kinesthetically reaching a variety of learning styles! Add the motivation component which means they will put forth more effort and you have a winner!

Listen: Find as many multiplication sing-song type CD's that you can find online and get them. There are thousands, I won't list them here. Just google "Multiplication Songs" Play them in the car, sing along with them. Cars are amazing places for learning opportunities! Start as early as 1st and 2nd grade...3rd grade will be here before you know it, might as well get a head start! Also, tons of free things on the internet, hundreds and hundreds of free multiplication games...

Feel free to email me if you need some additional directions, I'm happy to help!
Good Luck out There!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The AMAZING Benefits of Family Dinner Time!


The benefits of eating dinner together as a family are staggering! In a time where Moms and Dads are doing their best to balance, work, social events, responsibilities and their children’s CRAZY schedules, it has sadly become obsolete in our culture.  According to a study by A.C. Nielsen Co. ‘The average parent spends 38.5 minutes per week in meaningful conversation with their children. Perhaps if parents knew the LIFE-LONG BENEFITS of eating dinner together as a family, they would do everything within their power to protect this precious time of day.

According to the National Center on Addiction & Substance Abuse at Columbia University (2007), teenagers who eat with their families at least five times a week are more likely to get better grades in school and much less likely to have substance abuse problems. It found teens having family dinners five or more times a week were 42 percent less likely to drink alcohol, 59 percent less likely to smoke cigarettes, and 66 percent less likely to try marijuana. The survey also found that frequent family dinners were associated with better school performance, with teens 40 percent more likely to get A's and B's. Here’s some more for you: Children and teens who have more than 3 meals together as a family per week are:
At 70% lower risk for substance abuse
Half as likely to try cigarettes
Half as likely to be daily cigarette smokers
Half as likely to try marijuana
Half as likely to get drunk monthly
One third less likely to try alcohol
Likelier to get better grades in school
Less likely to have friends who drink alcohol & use marijuana
Almost 40% likelier to say future drug use will never happen

Want some more reasons? Here ya go!

Language Development: A Harvard University study found that family dinners were the most important family events in helping children develop language skills.“Family dinners are more important than play, story time and other family events in the development of vocabulary of younger children.” (Harvard Research, 1996) Eating Disorders: “Adolescent girls who have frequent family meals, and a positive atmosphere during those meals, are less likely to have eating disorders”. (University of Minnesota, 2004)

I thought it was very interesting that all of the studies I read mentioned the “dinner time” together must be ENJOYABLE. It is a time for nourishment, comfort and support.  A time for your family to gether safely. This might sound too Beaver Cleaver for some of you (who I know have already thrown your hands up and said, “Ya Right!”)  and to others it sounds like a dream they wish could come true. For those that desire the outcomes mentioned above for your family, here are some tips I have gathered over the years from those amazing parents I like to call “Parent Extraordinaires” as well as Web MD  and my other good friend, Super Nanny!

  • Set a small goal and start from there. Perhaps 2X a week and try to build up!
  • Keep it simple – Family Dinners don’t have to be elaborate. Even ordering take-out is fine, just eat it together!
  • Get the family involved in setting the table and helping you get ready. I KNOW they aren’t as fast as you, but they are feeling like they are contributing and learning. Remember, you are training them with every part of your day. Encourage them on what a HELP they are to you!
  • Keep the TV off and don’t answer phones or texts during meals. This let’s your kids know that there is nothing more important in the world than them! Plus, it’s just rude. J
  • Share stories from when you were kids! Our kids LOVE to hear about when we were little! It establishes fun memories and someday they will be re-telling them to their children!
  • Play “Peaks and Pits”. Anyone ever asked their child how their day was just to hear the sweet answer of, “Fine”. Well, it is AMAZING what you can find out about your child’s day by playing this simple game. Peak = The BEST part of your day. Pit = The WORST part of your day. Start with yourself at first to model how it’s done and this will surely become a highlight of the day for you.
  • This is not the time to have a serious discussion. It’s a time to just let some things go for the sake of peace and enjoyment together.
  • Don’t make it a food battle. Your little one shouldn’t be crying because they STILL have to eat 4 more bites of their vegetables EVERY DAY. Super Nanny has the BEST advice when it comes to this in order to avoid the “dinner time battle”.  
    • Establish how long dinner time will be           
    • Put their plate with a few choices on it for them to eat 
    • They don’t have to eat if they don’t want to, but explain that when dinner is over, the plate will be gone and you will not serve them anything else. No battle, just collect the plate at the end of the meal. 
    • Child might go to bed hungry, might not. They will not die if they go to bed without dinner but they will soon realize that dinner time is their one time shot to eat up.  Give it a couple days, be consistent with it,  and it won’t be an issue anymore.

Eating dinner together every day is one of THE most valuable things you can do together as a family. It has countless opportunities  for your children as well as provides the opportunity to model positive relationships, establish family traditions, create life-long memories, teach values, and provide a sense of safety for your kids. I just LOVE this stuff. Absolutely Priceless. 
Bon Appetit! 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Master Teacher!


Kids learn when they KNOW you love/like them. If this is true, then kids don't learn if they think you don't like/love them. I might not have a research study to support this one, but I have countless stories and faces that I could tell of to prove it. One year, Sweet Susie Q has an amazing year! Her parents are thrilled,  she can't wait to get to school each morning, and her grades are posted proudly on the fridge. Next year, same Sweet Susie, opposite story. Why?  Pretty simple. Susie does well when Susie is loved on and encouraged! Susie doesn't do well when Susie is fearful of being disliked and discouraged. 

As teachers and parents we have such a huge responsibility. We might not of asked for it, but it's ours! With such an overwhelming role to play, we need a Master Teacher we can learn from. Surely there has been no greater teacher than Jesus. He was THE perfect teacher. I find 3 simple reasons that He was the PERFECT teacher: 

* He taught Truth

* He modeled it in love
* He proved that He meant it

I Corinthians 14:1 says, "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels (knowledge/truth) but have not LOVE I have become a noisy gong or a clanging symbol. 

Jesus' students (The Disciples)  KNEW that He loved them. How do we know this? Because He told them over and over and then He proved it by dying for them. The Disciples LOVED Jesus in return. How do we know this? Because they all, except one, ended up dying for Him! (I John 1:9) 
By the end of their time together, the Disciples wanted to soak up every word that Jesus said. They couldn't wait to learn! 

If kids KNOW that you love them, if you tell them and you prove it to them, they too will want to learn! It will motivate them in a classroom like nothing else! Love is better than a treasure box, a ticket, a star or sticker - it will motivate them like nothing you have ever seen!!!! I think a lot of times we assume that our kids know we love them because we sacrifice so much for them. Maybe, maybe not.  Don't risk it, go to bed without a doubt! :)


Sunday, October 2, 2011


We found out some big news this week! 

Baby Girl Dalton expected to arrive around March 2nd, 2011. 18 months after her sister! 

This means that our sweet baby girl Gracie is going to have a sweet sister. Can you think of a better gift to give her? I couldn't be more excited for her! They are only going to be about 18 months apart, so Im praying NOW that they will be best friends and cherish, protect and love each other dearly. 
 Here is my little lover-loo the day before her 1st birthday. 

Gracie Lynn Dalton, 12 mo.

I was blessed to have 2 sisters - Melissa and Megan. We likely didn't appreciate each other as much as we should of growing up, but we really did fall in love with each other as teenagers and young adults. My precious sister Melissa (one on the left) went to heaven when she was 21.... I was 24 and my youngest sister Megan was 18... Maybe that's why I have been praying that my kids would all love each other and really LIKE each other growing up, not only as adults... Time is precious and you never know how much you have with the people you love and adore. So, go tell your people how much you love them! 

Sweet Sisters....
Melissa (Left) , Heather (Center)  and Megan (Right)