Monday, October 17, 2011

Multiplication Mastery - Help is Here!


There is no way around it, kids HAVE to memorize their multiplication tables. You know it and they kind of know it. This time of having to master their multiplication tables tends to make or break students and can be one of the most frustrating experiences for them, and for YOU! I am going to share with you the secret I have found that I truly believe offers success for ALL STUDENTS! If it is implemented at school, GREAT, if not - then try it at home. I promise it will work. I can't think of one student I had that it didn't work with - yes, all my former students with their wide ranges of learning abilities.

The Secret: Repetition, Motivation, Repetition, Motivation, Repetition, Motivation!

Purchase: Buy the Saxon Multiplication Wrap Ups. Do it now. (Favorite things page) Make sure to get the yellow ones with the red strings. They are cheap too!

How to use:  
When you get the wrap ups, undo them so they are all individual. It will come looking like this: 


You will want them all separated so it will look like this individually: 


 Make sure each one has a red string tied to it. Read through the directions on how to use it. Basically, you match the product and factors. So if you are on your "5s" when you see a "7" you are going to wrap the string to the  "35" because 5 X 7 = 35. When you see a "4" you are going to match it to a "20" because 5 X 4 = 20 and so on. When you are done, turn the Wrap Up over and all the lines sketched into the wrap up should match up with the red string. Great assessment for them to see right away if they are correct.

Motivate: Show your child how to do it and let them practice with the ones....Pretty easy for them to start off with. They will likely be motivated to go faster and faster, if not, then motivate them! My favorite method is to have a timer there. Ready, Set, Go and start the timer. Their goal is to beat THEIR time. They will want to keep going and going...Once they have "beat" a reasonable time (which I have mine listed below) then they can add a wrap up...So if they have passed their "1s" then give them their "2s". Now they have to do BOTH wrap ups, one after the other, and try to beat their time until the reasonable time is met. Then add another and so on.. If your child is struggling, have a simple "cheat sheet" for them to look at while they are doing the wrap up. Have a timer available for them so they can practice on their own or let them know you are available to time them when they are ready. Eventually, because they have repeated it so often in their head AND been doing something kinesthetic, they won't need it anymore. (They can only "pass" a level when the cheat sheet has been removed but let them decide when they are ready for this next step). Here is the time chart that I use.

Wrap Up Time Chart
They “pass” when they have them all complete and correct in the given time.
I give them out in this order to spark some success quickly! (Easier ones first)

Wrap Up Time to Complete
1’s          30 Seconds
10’s           45 seconds
                 5’s             1 minute, 15 seconds 
                 2’s             1 minute 30 Seconds
 3’s              2 Minutes
                   7’s             2 Minutes 15 Seconds
                 4’s              2 minute 45 Seconds
                    9’s              3 minutes 15 Seconds
                 11’s           3 Minutes 30 Seconds
                   6’s             3 Minutes 45 Seconds
                 8’s             4 minute 15 Seconds
                 12’s            4 minute 45 Seconds 

So basically their goal is to complete ALL 12 WRAP UPS in 4 minutes and 45 seconds. You are going to want to help them with organization and having them all ready before they are "timed". All unwrapped with the strings ready to go will give them the best shot! :) 

Rewards:  Typically I found that simply getting another wrap up and moving up a "level" was reward enough. A sticker chart is great too for them to visibly see their progress. Can never hurt to give some type of treasure box award each time they move up a level and beat the recommended time.

Why it works: They are repeating the factors over and over again in their head and doing something kinesthetically reaching a variety of learning styles! Add the motivation component which means they will put forth more effort and you have a winner!

Listen: Find as many multiplication sing-song type CD's that you can find online and get them. There are thousands, I won't list them here. Just google "Multiplication Songs" Play them in the car, sing along with them. Cars are amazing places for learning opportunities! Start as early as 1st and 2nd grade...3rd grade will be here before you know it, might as well get a head start! Also, tons of free things on the internet, hundreds and hundreds of free multiplication games...

Feel free to email me if you need some additional directions, I'm happy to help!
Good Luck out There!


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